Netherlands is a country which known as windmills country. A country which has Amsterdam as its capital known as the windmills country because it has a lot of windmills. Kinderdijk is a village which has over 1000 windmills. The windmills in this village used as a tool to make sea to become land.
Everyone know that the bulk of the land in Netherlands consist of lower mainland, approximately over 50% land has a height of less than one meter above sea level. The lower mainland protected by dijk (dyke) and sturdy wall. The number of windmills in the Netherlands used to create or reclaimed land. Results of reclamation generate land which is often referred to as the polder. In addition to functioning as reclamation, the windmills area in the Kinderdijk village also become one of the tourist destinations both within and outside the country.
There is nobody know precisely who is the finder of windmill in the first time. In the beginning, the windmill used to crush the grain. The oldest note about the windmill found in Arabian text at nine centuries. That note told about the windmill which is located between Afghanistan and Iran. Those windmills are often called Persian windmill at that time. Chinese use the windmill to steam the sea water in processing salt. The windmill can change the force of wind become mechanic. The rule of windmill is very big to make human occupation easier such as to pump the water for flow through farm land. The windmill technology development give more benefit for humanitarian welfare. The windmill technology development directed to produce new electricity resources. The utilizing of windmill to produce new renewable resources became an effort to cope the energy source problem which is faced in the world. thus, there are a lot of research to evolving this technology for prepare an energy source in the future.
A village in Bantul (province of Yogyakarta) becomes a place to build the electricity company with the wind as its generating power. The company is often called by PLTB (Perusahaan Listrik Tenaga Bayu). Name of "Bayu" taken from java language which has meaning as wind. Total of electricity capacity in PLTB is 35.000 megawatt. It is located in the south of Bantul, in area of Goa Cemara and Baru beach. Baru beach is located adjacent to Goa Cemara beach. The both beach is located in Poncosari, district of Srandakan, regency of Bantul, Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Baru beach has a lot of tress in this outskirt of beach. Visitors have to through the trees before reach the beach. Unfortunately, it has big wave and the water is brown (seems not good), mostly visitor do not interest to play in the water. They usually enjoy the view of sea which become a part of Hindia ocean and feel the breeze under the trees. Even though this beach tourism is not as beautiful as in Bali, but there is one interesting point, that is the windmills. This area has wind speed potential about 5,5 meter each second. This speed seems good to actuate the windmills. The goals of the windmills development in this area is to fulfill the electricity requirement for district target.
Everyone know that the bulk of the land in Netherlands consist of lower mainland, approximately over 50% land has a height of less than one meter above sea level. The lower mainland protected by dijk (dyke) and sturdy wall. The number of windmills in the Netherlands used to create or reclaimed land. Results of reclamation generate land which is often referred to as the polder. In addition to functioning as reclamation, the windmills area in the Kinderdijk village also become one of the tourist destinations both within and outside the country.
There is nobody know precisely who is the finder of windmill in the first time. In the beginning, the windmill used to crush the grain. The oldest note about the windmill found in Arabian text at nine centuries. That note told about the windmill which is located between Afghanistan and Iran. Those windmills are often called Persian windmill at that time. Chinese use the windmill to steam the sea water in processing salt. The windmill can change the force of wind become mechanic. The rule of windmill is very big to make human occupation easier such as to pump the water for flow through farm land. The windmill technology development give more benefit for humanitarian welfare. The windmill technology development directed to produce new electricity resources. The utilizing of windmill to produce new renewable resources became an effort to cope the energy source problem which is faced in the world. thus, there are a lot of research to evolving this technology for prepare an energy source in the future.
A village in Bantul (province of Yogyakarta) becomes a place to build the electricity company with the wind as its generating power. The company is often called by PLTB (Perusahaan Listrik Tenaga Bayu). Name of "Bayu" taken from java language which has meaning as wind. Total of electricity capacity in PLTB is 35.000 megawatt. It is located in the south of Bantul, in area of Goa Cemara and Baru beach. Baru beach is located adjacent to Goa Cemara beach. The both beach is located in Poncosari, district of Srandakan, regency of Bantul, Province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Baru beach has a lot of tress in this outskirt of beach. Visitors have to through the trees before reach the beach. Unfortunately, it has big wave and the water is brown (seems not good), mostly visitor do not interest to play in the water. They usually enjoy the view of sea which become a part of Hindia ocean and feel the breeze under the trees. Even though this beach tourism is not as beautiful as in Bali, but there is one interesting point, that is the windmills. This area has wind speed potential about 5,5 meter each second. This speed seems good to actuate the windmills. The goals of the windmills development in this area is to fulfill the electricity requirement for district target.
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