3 Free Entry Ticket Temples in Yogyakarta which are less explored by tourists.

Temple became a historical legacy that could make people amazed such as the existence of two large temples famous that is Prambanan temples and Borobudur temple. Actually, Yogyakarta has many temples scattered in various area of Yogyakarta city. However, the existence of the temple is not much known to tourists makes this temple spared from tourist visits.

Candi Ijo (Ijo Temple)

In fact, the existence of this temple has enough important history and interrelated. An example is Tara temple which is closely associated with Borobudur temple, that is concept maker of both temple is the same person. In addition, another temple building is also not less magnificent and beautiful. Here are three important temples in Yogyakarta are lacking in eksplor by tourists.

1. Ijo Temple (Candi Ijo)
built about 9 centuries on the height 410 meter above sea level. Because it is located   in high place, visitors will be spoiled by green nature landscape and terraced fields. The location of Ijo temple is very close to Adisutjipto airport, a main airport in Yogyakarta city. Like most other temples, Ijo temple also contained statues and reliefs that seemed to illustrate the story in the past. Ijo temple has 17 buildings located on 11 different floors. There is no charge for ticket to visit the temple Ijo. Candi Ijo start opened to tourists at 8 am and close at 4 pm.
Location: Bukit Ijo, Desa Sambirejo, Prambanan, Sleman, Yogyakarta

Candi Plaosan (Plaosan Temple) by infowisata.co

2. Plaosan Temple (Candi Plaosan)
It is not far from Prambanan temple (the biggest Hindu temple), there are two twin temples budha called Plaosan temple. The location of Plaosan temple is approximately 1 kilometer to the north of the temple of Prambanan, precisely in the Village Plaosan Bugisan, District of Prambanan. Plaosan divided into two regions namely Plaosan temple in north and south. Because its shape are almost similar when viewed from a distance, this temple is often called the twin temples. Hallmark of the Plaosan temple is a smooth floor surface. Historians suspect that the Plaosan temple was once a monastery. Plaosan has 116 ancillary stupas and 50 ancillary temples. There is no cost for the ticket to visit the Plaosan temple.

3. Tara Temple (Candi Tara)
Heritage temple has special features such as Borobudur temple which has a style of Buddhist and Prambanan has a style of Hindu. The difference that makes the temple has a style that is different is the shape of the building and reliefs. Yogyakarta has many relics of the temple, both the patterned Buddhist or Hindu. Tara Temple is one of the Buddhist temples and become the oldest Buddhist temple in Yogyakarta. Based on historical records, Tara temple is a temple that was built as a wedding gift for Pancapana with Dyah Pramudya Wardhani. the shape of Tara Temple is rectangular with a size of 45 meters on each side. The height of Tara temple reaches 34 meters. As we inform above, the drafting of the temple of Borobudur and Tara is the same person. Tara temple site located in the village Kalibening, Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta (not far from the main road Yogyakarta-Solo). No levy admission to visit this temple. Tara temple tourism started in the open at 9 am and close at 4 pm. Tara temple also often called Kalasan temple, because it located in Kalasan.
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