Gudeg Traditional Food from Yogyakarta which you must try

Every traveler usually looking for uniqueness from someplace where they visit. The most uniqueness from someplace can be a souvenir hand made by native, its culture (for example: kecak dance from Bali, Jaipong dance from Java, etc), or its traditional food like this one, the most famous traditional food from Yogyakarta (Indonesia) named Gudeg. Gudeg is the most popular traditional food from Yogyakarta. It made from jack fruit (unripe jack fruit).

Beside them, there are other compositions like areh (made from coconut milk), egg which is cooked well done by java palm sugar and the others seasoning, krecek (that is named of substance made by part of cow's body), and sambal or chili (it makes spicy, for everyone who don't like spicy can skip them without less this delicious). Its taste are gurih (medium salty), little bit sweet and much delicious. This original taste is only available in its came from that is Yogyakarta. What is make this food so delicious? the answer just because how to make them and its secret seasoning. I guess everybody know that Indonesia has a lot of kind of spice. It makes Indonesia has much kind of dish, one of them is Gudeg from Yogyakarta. That is the presentation of this food

You can meet Gudeg seller in Yogyakarta, Indonesia of course. Lokasi Seru will give you recommended place for enjoy the dish.

1. Gudeg Yu Djum, Wijilan
Gudug Yu Djum is located in Wijilan, south ward from Plengkung Tarunasura Kraton which often called by Plengkung Gading. Plengkung is a building like a bridge, in my opinion it is like miniature piece of Chinese greet wall. It is about 10 minutes from Kraton Yogyakarta by motorcycle. As long as this path (Wijilan way), there are many Gudeg seller, but Gudeg Yu Djum is the most legend. Perhaps, it is because this story. According to the story, Gudeg Yu Djum begin build this stall about 1943.

2. Gudeg Bu Citro
It is located near Jogja Expo Center (JEC), Janti. Gudeg Bu Citro gives another dish of traditional food, trace elegant "Gudeg" traditional food. This location is very famous, if you don't know hoe to reach this place just ask native around Yogyakarta and they will give you instruction.

3. Gudeg Barek
There is a village which is famous because trade of traditional food, it called by Kampung Barek (Kampung means Barek). It is located in north ward Gadjah Mada University (The biggest University in Yogyakarta). There are many famous Gudeg seller in Kampung Barek, such as Yu Jum, Yu Narni, and Bu Hj. Ahmad. It also can be a gift brought back from a trip, but it just available for 24 hours.

5. Gudeg Pawon
Pawon is Javanese language of  kitchen. Just like its name, it sold from kitchen, live. Gudeg Pawon gives simple presentation but elegant taste. Gudeg Pawon alse be the most hunted for Gudeg lover. It is located in Jl. Janturan No. 36-38, Warungboto, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta (Janturan Street Number  36-38, Warungboto, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta).

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