Ngobaran Beach the charm of Bali in Jogja and Sea Urchins dish

Bali tourism charm is already unquestionable, evidenced by the many tourists who visit every day. Things that make the island famous for objects tourism are beautiful white sandy beaches, magnificent temples and unique, artistic, and cultural customs which are interesting. Switch to an island that is located right next to west of the island of Bali that is  Java island, an island that has the highest population density in Indonesia.

In one of province located in Java, namely Yogyakarta, Gunungkidul precisely. There is a row of white sandy beaches and beautiful rocky, like some of the reviews discussed about the beach Indrayanti, Sadranan, and Sundak previously. One more beautiful and unique beach located in Gunung ie Ngobaran beach. Arguably beautiful due to its beautiful beaches of coral, cliffs, rocks and sequence of pandan in the outskirt of beach, and white sandy shore. Be considered unique because it feels like a place that is multicultural. Although the majority of the population around the coast is Muslim but there are many different shrine building there. This building makes us feel enjoy bali, not strange if the designation Bali van Java suitable for this place.

According to the story, building temples located on the beach Ngobaran built since 2003. The purpose of the construction of this temple is in memory of Brawijaya V (one of the descendants of the Majapahit kingdom in the history of Indonesia). Even though the truth is still doubted by historians because as yet found strong evidence. Besides building of the shrine and the temple there is also a simple mosque with sand floor. That is why called as multicultural but still live peacefully with each other.

After passing multicultural building, it's time to enjoy the beauty of the beach. The outskirt of beach overgrown with algae, this algae grows between the reef. The algae to be one source of livelihood for local residents. Algae farmers usually harvest the algae when it was still early morning, so come in the morning if you want to see how the algae farmers work. Marine animals such as sea urchins, starfish, and various types of shellfish live happily here. Locals often looking for sea urchins in afternoon. Sea urchins have become a regular meal for the residents here. How to process them is quite easy, after the thorn is removed will be visible parts like a hard shell (to open it can use sickles). The sea urchin meat section contained therein then given seasoning that is salt and chili, then fried. According to them it feels pretty good and chewy.

It would be nice if visiting Gunungkidul, tourists do not miss to visit the south coast row here. It is suitable to add a collection of photos of interesting objects from your camera.

Location: Village of Kanigoro, sub-district of Saptosari, regency of Gunungkidul, province of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It's about 65 km from center of Yogyakarta city.

Entrance fee: IDR 3.000 or USD 0.3

Have a nice trip!
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